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Constant CTD or black screen


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Im trying to fix my old save since Dawnguard is on its way and Im just having so many problems. If I walk outside for too long the game freezes, if I fast travel or go threw more than 2 doors the game crashes to a black screen. I tried going into some Dwemer ruins and almost nothing loaded in it, when it finished loading I was in an invisible room were the only things that loaded was a piece of Dwemer armor, a pipe and a door. Also if I try to go to Solitude, to the Bards college, some of the pillars are missing and their is a strange arch in the doorway that takes you inside. I have no idea whats going on, none of my other characters have any of these problems and I even downloaded the unofficial patch 1.05b which fixed a lot of other minor problems but had no effect on these crashes.


Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? If you need anymore information let me know, but I would very much like to save this character if possible, I spent way too much time playing to do everything over again.


P.S. guards will randomly see anyone, player or NPC, getting too close to them as hostile and warn them off. This is a new bug thats not so bad...yet. Any idea whats causing it?

Edited by Manway
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It looks to me like you have a corrupted save. It can also be a problem with mod conflicts which can easily be tested by deactivating all mods and trying to play. It can also be both, which is really not good.


So here's a way to try it out. Deactivate all mods, start the game and load your save, if the problems persist load an old stabile save (that's why you should create a new save every time). If, however, the problem goes away, it's only a mod conflict which is good, then you only need to figure out which mod causes the issue by activating them one by one untill one of them messes things up (you need to do that even if an older save works, test it on that old one to rule out mod conflict). Then you deactivate it and your game works. Also, the game can only handle 255 plugins (including Skyrim.esm and Update.esm), if you cross that number, all hell breaks loose.


And a few suggestions for when you ask help. You need to present your game in order to receive help, it's like fixing a bike, you can't fix it if you can't even take a look at it. So when you ask for help you should present your load order, game version and system information.

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you have a good point on needing to take a look at it but I didnt post any of that because I didnt think it was relevant. Its not a mod problem because all my other characters work just fine, and I tried going back to an older, more stable save but that one is even worse, it crashes the game the moment I try to load it so. And as for the game version, doesnt Steam update automatically? I have the latest patch. And I also didnt think system information was important because like I said, the game runs fine, its just this particular save.


Im going with the idea that it is a corrupt save but im wondering if theirs any way at all to fix it. if you really want my load order ill post it up, once I figure out how to copy and paste it....

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Im going with the idea that it is a corrupt save but im wondering if theirs any way at all to fix it.

No. The only solution is to either load an old stabile save (which, you said, is even worse) or start a new game.

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