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Deadly Reflex Freez problem


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The Elemental effects in Deadly Reflex are realy cool but the frost effect only happened once and a while but now it doesn't work at all. And it is bothering me.


Also is there a way to make all elemental magic kills do those effects. It would almost balance out the Vanilla oblivion magic. It is too power full for my taste and I want my magic characters to have to deal with over powerful concequences like broken armor... and it looks so cool :closedeyes:

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i tryed useing all types of frost damage spells and no one ever freezes any more


I had the same problem bud... Only mine didn't freeze at all... I've asked several quetiins, but no-one has answered them yet...


I'll try to figure it out and let you know... After I try it, of course. :P





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  • 2 weeks later...

My elemental damage criticals won't work at all, unless I hit the enemy melee IMIDIATLEY after the near killing spell hit's the target. I suspect it's either one of two things:


There's something not allowing the mod to calculate the damage done (inspite the mod manager tells me nothing conflicts)




A blood shader I think, maybe preventing the effect from triggering. Just a wild guess, but I have my reasons.



By the way, if someone EVER solves this, PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!!


[email protected]

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Want my advice? Take Deadly Reflex off. I've seen nothing but problem after problem on these pages with Deadly Reflex. "But, Shadow, it's a top rated mod!". Who knows? Perhaps the guy who made it just has a ton of friends who all gave it kudos?


Put Locational Damage on instead. Does mostly the same thing but I haven't had one problem with it at all. You still get decapitations and critical hits.

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