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hI GUYZ ihave aprob with the add-on "A PROVOST OF THE NINE DIVINES" .I run the game wiht Oldblivion ,have installed and activated the .esp file and still when i talk to Ilav Dralconer i get Kicked out of the game with an error .ANY HELP??
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hI GUYZ ihave aprob with the add-on "A PROVOST OF THE NINE DIVINES" .I run the game wiht Oldblivion ,have installed and activated the .esp file and still when i talk to Ilav Dralconer i get Kicked out of the game with an error .ANY HELP??


I don't use this mod but do make sure you are patched up all the way. It doesn't look as though it requires OBSE . Of course, also make sure you have definitely copied all of the files into the correct spots. :)


Good luck.

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It must have a problem with the files because when i deactivate the .esp file with OBMM the game runs normally ,and i speak with Ilav (but with the Ilav with the old AI) Im so confused :confused: .IF someone could help me .maybe the author if he sees the post ...
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Have you tried checking for conflicts? If not, do that, if you can't find any conflicts, you could try playing around with the load order and dropping this one to the very bottom. That should overwrite ALL possible conflicts, however it can't fix a faulty script, AI or missing textures/meshes. If you can't fix this issue by reinstalling the mod, or dropping it to the bottom of the mod list, I'd contact the author via PM or in the comments section of the mod in question.


~logging off, next lesson starting in 3 mins.

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It should pretty much make a popup complaint about incompatibilities, not at home atm so can't really remember the UI of OBMM perfectly. Anyway, if you haven't dropped the mod to the last spot on the load order it's easy to do, just click on the mod, then just keep pressing the -move down- button until it's at the bottom or just manually drag it down. If you have a mod that might modify something in the same places as this one, disable it, if not, proceed to test if it works. When all else fails, ask for the help of the author in fixing this issue.
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Ok man ,because im e real n00b in these fixing matters ,i would like you to explain me wht am i suposed to do .I mean i don't quite understand the English too !!! Sorry . So what i got from the las t message was to drag the .esp file from the data to the last save (i dont think it's correct),let me show you then wht the Conflict detector has shown me EXACTLY:


+ Oblivion.esm

A provost of the nine divines


(This is the main ),when i open the "Oblivion .esm " (you know with the + sumbol )it shows in green : +Record Group(FACT)

-Nine Divines

+Record Group(NPC_)

- Ilav Dralgoner

+Record Group(CEll)

+Record Group(DIAL)


It also shows many things also when i press the other + sumbols ,but there's no time now!!


I also want you to know that i couldn't have any other modes running since it is the first mode i try ,so i dont think that there would be any conflict with other modes because simply i don't have others.......!


I thank you for your help and time ,and Please HELP ME !!:( ..

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What version of oblivion are you using? The mod requires the game to be patched to v1.1, pref. v1.2.0416. There is a game engine bug mentioned that causes CTD's. If you've updated the game to the latest version, you most likely haven't installed the mod correctly OR the mod is faulty/you had corrupted files while installing. Double check that all the files are in their correct folders, after you think they're in the right place, check it again. Nothing gets modders more angry than complaints when the mod hasn't been installed 100% right. Since this is your only mod on atm, it can only be a corrupt install, files in the wrong place/files missing, incompatibility with your version of oblivion, mods don't often work with earlier versions of oblivion than what they've been designed to be used with.


1.If you haven't updated the game, you can find the patch files in -->here<--.

2.If the game is up-to-date, check that all the files are in the place where they're supposed to be, once you're done, do it again.

3.Re-download the mod and install it again to see if your first download was partly corrupted.

4.If none of the above work, talk with the author of the mod about your problem, if support is offered.

5.If no support is offered or if the esp file is working as intended, read step 2 again.(At this point I'd already assume you've patched the game, so you wouldn't have to do step 1.)


--->I'm off, next lesson starting in 10 mins, been posting more from school than home lately. :F

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