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Getting statistical data about the play session


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Hello everyone,


I've got a very noob question, I am sorry about that. But before starting writing this mod, I want to be sure

1/ if it is possible to make it

2/ what is the best tool to use


I would like to create a mod that log in a text file, every frame or couple of frames, the current date with some information about the player (like the level of health, stamina, where is he, if he is in a menu, etc...), to make some statistic about how I am playing the game, and compare it with some of my friends.


I don't ask for a solution, but is it possible ? And if yes, should I use the Creation Kit? Papyrus? Something else?


Thank you very very much,


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Well, you would need to write a Papyrus script and you would need to use the debugging Trace function to write info to your debug log. There are also several GetGameSetting functions that can get various general statistics about the game (like you see in the game stats menus):







Edited by steve40
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