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Convert parts of mod from CBBE to UNP


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"Remodeled Armor CBBEv3M by MAK"


The above mod is for CBBEv3M, and has excellent remodels for vanilla armors. Unfortunately, I run UNP, and the textures don't quite agree with my character. Would anyone be willing to switch them over to UNP? Preferably base UNP, but either will do nicely. Judging by his works, he only does CBBE, so I dare not ask if he'd consider this! I'd feel intrusive if I did.


Only specific cuirasses catch my interest, but I certainly wouldn't mind a full conversion!


Names are based on the filename of the screenshots by the uploader;

- Fur 1 (THIS is a Norse Woman, I tell ya what!)

- Scaled Horn

- Steel (shoulder pad variant)

- Wolf Armor

- Stormcloak Cuirass

- Imperial Armor

- Penitus Oculatus



I don't really mind sliders, and I'm content with using the vanilla gloves and boots. I thank you for reading this, and hope someone is willing to do this conversion!

Edited by Campaigner
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