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My arena mod idea


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my idea is part arena, part training ground. Partly inspired by All those 36 chambers of the shaolin movies I saw when I was younger,, and part ludus from Spartacus


im picturing a VAST underground training ground, im also picturing a sign or something that tells the warrior what the room is for


first section a room with all the combat training books


2nd: a smelter, forge, armor bench, sharpening stone (to make your weapons)


3rd: a kitchen with food (a warrior needs food to gain strength)


4rd: training areas


5th the arena where monsters can be rezzed for combat

I had an idea of a progressive combat mode,

1 , level 1 monster spawns, when he dies,

2, level 2

3, level 3, ect,,,


6th: a pool, bath or hot spring (a warrior needs to recover)


7th: bedroom, ( a warrior needs rest)

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