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The Neo Empire declares war on The Crown


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okay lets conquer the dictator ginnyfizz as she mocks her enemies, great show now lets get on with it shall we.


You know its firefox to blame..


its not a great strategy to make fun of your enemies :whistling:


I don't even look half the time when that big red mark is under my perfectly good typing skills. :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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I'm going to release :psyduck: because everyone knows that :psyduck: is the best pony.


:psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

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Conker???? Dear God, they are playing CONKERS now?


ROFL. I have nothing to fear.

What kinds of Queens just sits back and laughs as their forum-column is being Tough-Talked? *gives a disapproving nod*


There, fixed them for you.


and dude, as supreme leader, you give a nod? seriously. what kind of supreme leader are you that gives? our supreme leader (Grand Soulgem Ayatollah crema Horse-dung of the 107th anti-feminist caliphate) and the lounge queens only TAKE.


the Queendomites may be all talk and no action.

but dude. err sorry, fuhrer, you are all flash and no substance. yep, I don't see anything happening, and I'm using my good eye.


EDIT: the INTERDOL™ (inter dimensional police (™)) forced me to edit this post. I had no choice. it contained copyrighted words owned by Bethesda©, and Used in Skyrim®.

Edited by Ihoe
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Conker???? Dear God, they are playing CONKERS now?


ROFL. I have nothing to fear.

What kind of Queen just sits back and laughs as her homeland is being glassed? *gives a disapproving nod*


Who the heck said anything about getting glassed? (Which, by the way, where I come from is what sometimes happens in the less salubrious bars in town after a drunken night out and involves a broken beer glass or bottle.)


Thor mentioned that they were going to conker us. Where I come from the conker is the fruit of the horse chestnut tree and is threaded onto a string by schoolboys of all ages, and they then bash the hell out of each others conkers;-




Hence my ROFL.


I am the only and supreme Queen. And I'm a nice old bird.

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Hmm one way to stop a rebel dictator is to ignore and stand gaurd, Its the only way. Stop posting in this thread and you know what will happen.


Stay strong and post in the forum games, becuase Ginnyfizz never posts there, especially in the last poster when. Lol i should of started the poll in forum game section.:teehee:



We will previal and conquer and silently protest against this evil-rogue dictator without a cause. :ninja:Stealth is the only way...

Edited by Thor.
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People! I'm only here to serve you, the people of the nexus. Know that our conquest can only successed if we get rid of the Neo empire. Don't worry about ginny and her paper boats, they are no real threat to us. Only together we can succeed :thumbsup:
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