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Many "!" Markers


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I would love to ask on the Requiem page but it is hidden :dry:


I am using Broken Steel and most of the Aqua Pura barrels that are meant to be in a wooden box thing result in "!"


I have fiddled around in FNVedit and extracted the ENTIRE BSA file, yet I still have the blasphemous "!" markers!


I was someone could help me shed light on the problem as it is only a specific item causing this problem


Any help is appreciated! :yes:

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The red exclamation marks appear when the mesh either isn't there, or isn't linked to the object it's needed for. Basically, in the GECK you'll need to find the barrel box, then assign the model again.




I know that means a missing mesh, but I have extracted all the meshes, and FNVedit says that they are assigned to the correct mesh.


I can't use the GECK, it usually crashes if I try to use it on any form of Requiem stuff.

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