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someone please make a better disease and poison mod


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hey guys, as we all know, the diseases and poison in skyrim are lame, a deadly mansized spider shoots you full of poison and it wears off after 5 seconds, with other examples of course.


anyway, the mod deadly traps and sickly diseases doesnt work with 1.6 skyrim, darwins nightmare infection module is buggy and you cant cure the poisons, secondly, neither of these mods have been updated for ages. im hoping that someone would create a more in depth poison/disease mod, we have all these reality mods for eating and sleeping and exposure, but nothing really intense for getting sick, and i think it would add yet another layer of depth to a game that if the right mods are added can be much more immersive than the vanilla experience.


one point i would make for this mod is that cure poison potions would have to be stocked in every alchemy shop, they are really rare and difficult to come by.


thanks for checking out the post,



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