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Follower Reset


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Recently i had my current follower deleted off my game by steam. unfortunately i cannot even remember the name of the mod to reinstall it. i figured i should just move on but now whenever i try to hire another follower they tell me i that i need to fire my current one first. which i of course cannot do because he is no longer there. is there a way that i can reset my follower stats in the game so that it recognizes that i don't have a follower



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Recently i had my current follower deleted off my game by steam. unfortunately i cannot even remember the name of the mod to reinstall it. i figured i should just move on but now whenever i try to hire another follower they tell me i that i need to fire my current one first. which i of course cannot do because he is no longer there. is there a way that i can reset my follower stats in the game so that it recognizes that i don't have a follower




console command = set playerfollowercount 0

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