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Failed to deploy mds


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So I don't even have a goddamn message box, its just:



Or Attach Special File


So I literally can't send a complaint correctly.

All I can say is I looked at the vortex json file in my new vegas directory and it was completely empty.

I've installed the new update and everything, but its all broken.


Oh, and apparently I can't attach it here because "i'm not permitted"

What a joke.


While the interface has changed a little, you should still be able to provide both a message and a "special file". Does it not look like this for you?



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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I find a way to fix it:

go into Skyrim data and find vortex.deployment(.json????? i change the format of the file so idk what is the extension) and deleted it then reinstall vortex. it worked for me


Thanks, It really work, except that i didn't reinstall vortex. Just reboot vortex.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was able to solve problems on my end through some guessing.


When I looked into the data folder and looked for my vortex.deployment.json, I found two similarly named files. One was a completely blank JSON file, vortex.deployment, while the other one was a TMP file named vortex.deployment.jsonC7s49 or something similar.


Being the monkey I am, I just copy-pasted everything in the TMP file into the JSON file and everything is now working fine. I have no idea what caused this, but now that everything works, I am happy. Hope this helps.

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