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new guard faction and crime quest


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I have created a new guard faction, And they are all imperial, and the crime quest hooks up to them fine, Also have the dungeon jail working correctly. The question is I have added the new cell references to the crime quest and was just wondering if it's better to make a completely new crime quest or leave it as I have done it. Thie is basically a pre-conflict question to see if it would be better to have a seperate quest for my mod to avoid any conflicys with mods that change the crime quest.
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I have created a new guard faction, And they are all imperial, and the crime quest hooks up to them fine, Also have the dungeon jail working correctly. The question is I have added the new cell references to the crime quest and was just wondering if it's better to make a completely new crime quest or leave it as I have done it. Thie is basically a pre-conflict question to see if it would be better to have a seperate quest for my mod to avoid any conflicys with mods that change the crime quest.


First, welcome to the Quest Maker Club, the fact that your asking that question tells me your stuff will be worth checking out later. Its a very good start for you and avoiding problems completely at this stage will save you years of work solving them later.


Anyway the answer is yes, make a new quest for your cell. Otherwise any mod that edits the crime stuff runs the risk of breaking your quest.


Also guards have to be imperial for the crime to work so its not always suitable. So recording them again may actually be desirable anyway.


If you finish your quest mod off, pm me a link, i like quest mods :)



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Ok I got the new crime quest done and set the GetIsRace to GetInFaction (my unique guard faction) but when I try to steal from the guard to test it out he just says "What". Do I have to have silent mp3's associated for the dialogue to show? I was thinking of making the mod without silent mp3's and instead use the Elys Universal Voice for OBSE.
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Below is the complete quest details for the new crime quest, It hooks into the guard npc's just fine in the dialogue windows (only my guards) but when I go ingame to test it, I pickpocket a guard while he is looking at me and he just gives me a generic response like "what" The below details are pretty much copied from the original crime quest and hand written back in as a unique quest, I even added the new crime script. I did change the GetIsRace (imperial) to GetInFaction (nyamaguardfaction) so only my guards would get the dialogue but nothing seems to be working, If anyone could just look throught what I have done and see if i missed something somewhere, I would appreciate it.


Hope it's readable I tried to type it in neatly.


Quest Details


Editor ID: NyamaCrime

Quest Name: Nyama Isle Crime

Start game enable: Yes

Priority: 90

Script: NyamaCrimeScript:


ScriptName NyamaCrimeScript

Long PCBounty
Short PCEscaped


Quest Conditions:


[Target] [Function Name] [Function Info] [Comp] [Value]

no GetIsPlayableRace None == 1




Bribe Guard


Editor ID: nyamabribeguard

Display Text: Bribe Guard

Response Details:


I don't usually take bribes, but I'll look the other way just this once. If I see you again though, I'll have to arrest you. (FEAR - 100)

Result Script: Player.PayFine




[Target] [Function Name] [Function Info] [Comp] [Value]

No GetInFaction Nyamaguardfaction == 1

No IsGuard None == 1

Yes GetEquiped TGGrayFoxCowl == 1

Yes GetEquiped TGGrayFoxCowl == 0

yes GetIsID Player == 1




Pay Gold


Editor ID: nyamapaygold

Display Text: Pay Gold

Response Details:


1. Here's the procedure. We go to the castle. First we search you, confiscate any stolen goods. Then you pay your fine, and we release you. (NEUTRAL - 50)

Result Script: Player.PayFine (Goodbye)




[Target] [Function Name] [Function Info] [Comp] [Value]

No GetInFaction Nyamaguardfaction == 1

Yes GetCrimeGold None < 5000

No IsGuard None == 1

no GetDisposition [TARGET] > 50


2a. That's too bad. I was hoping you'd resist arrest. (ANGER - 100)

2b. Okay. Here's the procedure. We go to the castle. First we search you, confiscate any stolen goods. Then you pay your fine, and we release you. (Disgust - 100)

Result Script: Player.PayFine (GOODBYE)




[Target] [Function Name] [Function Info] [Comp] [Value]

No GetInFaction Nyamaguardfaction == 1

No IsGuard None == 1

No GetDisposition [TARGET] <= 50

yes GetCrimeGold None < 5000




Resist Arrest


Editor ID: nyamaresistarrest

Display Text: Resist Arrest

Response Details:


1. I'll make Captain for this! (HAPPY – 100)

Result Script: StartCombat Player (GOODBYE)




[Target] [Function Name] [Function Info] [Comp] [Value]

No GetInFaction Nyamaguardfaction == 1

No IsGuard None == 1

Yes GetEquiped TGGrayFoxCowl == 1

Yes GetIsID Player == 1

no GetRandomPercent None < 60


2. Then pay with your blood! (ANGER - 0)

Result Script: ModDisposition Player -10 (GOODBYE)

StartCombat Player




[Target] [Function Name] [Function Info] [Comp] [Value]

No GetInFaction Nyamaguardfaction == 1

No IsGuard None == 1




Serve Sentence


Editor ID: nyamaservesentence

Display Text: Serve Sentence

Response Details:


1. Serve your time peaceably, and pay your debt to society. (NEUTRAL – 50)

Result Script: Player.GotoJail (GOODBYE)





[Target] [Function Name] [Function Info] [Comp] [Value]

No GetInFaction Nyamaguardfaction == 1

No IsGuard None == 1

No GetDisposition {TARGET} >= 50


2. Hope you rot, criminal scum. (ANGER – 0)

Result Script: Player.GotoJail (GOODBYE)

Set Crime.PCEscaped to 0






[Target] [Function Name] [Function Info] [Comp] [Value]

No GetInFaction Nyamaguardfaction == 1

No GetDisposition {TARGET} < 50

No IsGuard None == 1

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I'm probably answering my own question here, But I have just looked through the crime quest and there is a greeting topic just for guards which isn't in my crime quest, It seems to start the topics for resist arrest, pay fine and serve sentence, They arn't in the filtered dialogue of my guards because my guards aren't imperial they are now nord so as not to conflict with the original crime script. Is there anyway to copy the greetings topics to another quest or do I have to hand type these in too, There are quite alot of them. I can move them but I can't see a way of copying them. I think this is where my problem is lying.


Edit : \yes this is definatly my problem and I am going to have to recreate the Crime GREETING topic as they initiate the choices for resist,pay,serve. I'll consider this problem solved, And at least it's here in the forums if anyone else gets stuck trying to create a fresh crime quest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
how do you put an NPC into a faction... i have made one but i cant put any npcs into it???????


Double click the npc you want in the faction in the object list and go to the factions tab delete any factions you don't want them to be in and drag the faction you do from the factions window into the npc faction tab.

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