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Follower won't enter shivering isles


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Shivering Isles finally came in the mail today, set it up, got a bunch of road-hazard signs and a knights swimming in the air, had to extract the meshes, textures, sounds, etc. which made it work ;D , so heart attack averted. So when I finally got in the portal my follower wasn't with me, no big deal, happens all the time. I thought to myself just find a place to fast-travel too and he'll be back. He didn't come back. :(


Tried casting the summoning spell, which only seems to work when were in the same world space... :rolleyes:

Modified it a bit, gave the spell a ref variable, had the reference set to the follower. Casts spell. Ref has decided to become the player. :facepalm:


So in short...I can't get my follower to follow me to the shivering isles.

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When you enter the shivering isles, a key variable changes in the game, which in turn changes many things. For example, the dialogue of SI quests will become active, and the dialogue of Cyrodiil quests will become unavailable, when you enter the shivering isles.

A known bug this causes is if Lucian Lachance comes to you while in the shivering isles. He will simply say "I HAVE NO GREETING" and walk away.


The UESP says...

most followers are prevented from following you through the gate connecting the worlds.
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