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Skyrim crashes after defeating ancano in winter hold


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Recently I've been having trouble with the final mages college quest in skyrim. The game allows me to battle and defeat ancano, and allow me to become the archmage, however, whenever I try to leave/save after all the characters finish speaking, the system freezes. I am using the PS3 and I have uninstalled and reinstalled the 1.05 patch, cleared some space on the memory card, and fixed the Internet connection, but to no avail. This is the only time the game has ever freezed up on me like this, and it's really starting to annoy me, as I have rebattled ancano about 6 times now. Please help!
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To yafi: just reinstalled it, and battled ancano once again, and once again the PS3 freezes. I guess I just won't finish the quest

To fentonalpha: get over it, for one it's fairly obvious you have to fight ancano from the beginning, and so what if you know part of the outcome of one quest out of the hundreds of quests in skyrim.

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