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Make Unarmed Attacks Stagger


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You need a perk that applies spell on hit.

1. Create a spell with its magic effect. Set them into "fire and forget" and "contact". Then...

Set the "Effect Archetype" into "Stagger" in the magic effect.

Set the Magnitude in the spell, ranging from 0.75~1.50

2. Then create a perk. Right Click and hit "New" in its perk entries.
Then Choose the entry point as "Apply Combat Hit Spell". Here we will choose the StaggerSpell as the chosen spell.


3. Set the perk condition so it look like these:
GetEquippedItemType Left == 0.0000 AND

GetEquippedItemType Right == 0.0000

Yep, the condition is two of 'em.


AFAIK this is also more safer way than using GetEquipped.



4. Attach the perk into the player. Directly, with script, quest alias; anything how you want it.


5. You're done. Maybe. Let us know if it's not working.




Edited: fixing some typos.

Edited by Flamekun
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You need a perk that applies spell on hit.


1. Create a spell with its magic effect. Set them into "fire and forget" and "contact". Then...

Set the "Effect Archetype" into "Stagger" in the magic effect.

Set the Magnitude in the spell, ranging from 0.75~1.50


2. Then create a perk. Right Click and hit "New" in its perk entries.

Then Choose the entry point as "Apply Combat Hit Spell". Here we will choose the StaggerSpell as the chosen spell.


3. Set the perk condition so it look like these:

GetEquippedItemType Left == 0.0000 AND

GetEquippedItemType Right == 0.0000

Yep, the condition is two of 'em.


AFAIK this is also more safer way than using GetEquipped.



4. Attach the perk into the player. Directly, with script, quest alias; anything how you want it.


5. You're done. Maybe. Let us know if it's not working.




Edited: fixing some typos.

Thanks for this, but i've got a few questions (sorry) how would i add the perk console command-wise and would a similar path be taken for a paralyze spell?

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Just simply type player.addperk <perkID> in the console command. And yes, it would work for paralysis too...







... until we've realized that ability will trigger every single time the character punches, making the character pretty much Saitama-ish (I mean, OP). In this case, let's go back into the ability again ->


1. Create another ability with it's magic effect.

Let's go with the same "fire and forget" and "contact" procedure.

In the spell, set the magnitude to 0.

In the magic effect, we set the effect archetype into script. (Value modifier with NONE is okay, too, if it doesn't invoke anything.)


2. Attach that ability into the perk.


3. Create this script, then attach it into the new ability.



Scriptname YourScriptNameHere extends ActiveMagicEffect

Spell property SaidStaggerSpell auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	int i = Utility.RandomInt(1,100)
        int chance = 50    ;you may change this later.
	if i <= chance



Don't forget to set the property of the script into the stagger spell we created here first time. This also same goes for the paralysis spell, should you want to make the paralysis spell.



Scriptname YourScriptNameHereToo extends ActiveMagicEffect

Keyword property ImmuneParalysis auto
Spell property SaidParalysisSpell auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	if !akTarget.HasKeyword(ImmuneParalysis)
		int i = Utility.RandomInt(1,100)
		int chance = 35    ;you may change this later.
		if i <= chance
                        akCaster.PushActorAway(akTarget, 0.0)



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Just simply type player.addperk <perkID> in the console command. And yes, it would work for paralysis too...







... until we've realized that ability will trigger every single time the character punches, making the character pretty much Saitama-ish (I mean, OP). In this case, let's go back into the ability again ->


1. Create another ability with it's magic effect.

Let's go with the same "fire and forget" and "contact" procedure.

In the spell, set the magnitude to 0.

In the magic effect, we set the effect archetype into script. (Value modifier with NONE is okay, too, if it doesn't invoke anything.)


2. Attach that ability into the perk.


3. Create this script, then attach it into the new ability.



Scriptname YourScriptNameHere extends ActiveMagicEffect

Spell property SaidStaggerSpell auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	int i = Utility.RandomInt(1,100)
        int chance = 50    ;you may change this later.
	if i <= chance



Don't forget to set the property of the script into the stagger spell we created here first time. This also same goes for the paralysis spell, should you want to make the paralysis spell.



Scriptname YourScriptNameHereToo extends ActiveMagicEffect

Keyword property ImmuneParalysis auto
Spell property SaidParalysisSpell auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	if !akTarget.HasKeyword(ImmuneParalysis)
		int i = Utility.RandomInt(1,100)
		int chance = 35    ;you may change this later.
		if i <= chance
                        akCaster.PushActorAway(akTarget, 0.0)



I'm very sorry but im still having trouble, i did everything you said, made a stagger magic effect, bound it on hit to a spell, then made a perk that would place the spell on contact, and it still won't work!?

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  • 2 years later...

Necro for those trying to do the same thing: Unarmed attacks aren't weapons, so apply combat hit spell does not work. You need to either design around equipping a "fist weapon" or attach the spell directly in the attack data in the race records to make it stick.

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