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battle for windhelm glitch-Xbox 360.


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the entire battle goes on as it should, but when i enter Ulfrics palace, something bizarre happens. the dialogue precedes as it should, but when galmar and ulfric go to attack, rikke and tullius don't respond. galmar doesn't die, he just kneels, then gets back up, and slowly walks back to the thrown like nothing happened. ulfric goes down, but i can't talk to him. tullius and rikke only respond to anything when I : a) talk to them, where they only have previous dialogue, rikke just yells at me to join the attack. b) pickpocket them, and then they just try to kill me. and c) turn into a werewolf, they only respond to this sometimes, but if they do, they once again try to kill me. yes I've tried using ice form . yes, i have tried going back to an earlier save. A LOT. is there anything i can do? i do NOT want to quit this file. thanks.
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As this is a PC specific site, questions about xbox may not get answered at all. Most of our members do not use xbox and don't have a clue as to the problems you may have. I recommend asking on the official Bethesda forums, as they do support xbox there.


If you want more information, here is a link to the site policy on consoles. (xbox & PS3)


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