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Separate race folders, now followers changed.

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Created a race and character mod, have them all their own mesh and texture folders but now my followers are taking the race textures instead of their own. Have tried to rearrange the load order but the race mod over rules everything. Is there a setting in ck that I can change to not touch other mods?
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You probably have followers, that use a Vanilla race. If you install a mod changing vanilla races, these followers will get changed, too.


The only workaround I can think of right now is to assign a custom race to your followers. This means, you would need to open up the follower esp files in the CK, create a custom race and assign that race to the follower. In fact, that's what a lot of authors of follower mods do to make sure that the followers get exactly the body meshes and textures their authors want them to have.

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