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Dwemer Motorcycle !


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There have been rumors of an ancient Dwemer transportation device called a Meitlmaer (My-tul-mare), which translates roughly to; Metal Mare (ie. Metal Horse). You have decided to see if these rumors are true and if so, to be the first person in Skyrim to posses one of these incredible Dwemer Meitlmaer machines....


The Dwemer were masters of engineering, science, and the arcane. Most aventurers are familiar with the Dwarven Centurians, Spheres, Spiders, and big huge globes with moving lenses. Recent explorations have uncovered mechanized armor, weapons, and even an underground locomotive (all recent mods).


OK, so you get the basic idea. i'm hoping someone (or more than one) has the creativity, skills, and interest to build a mod that will introduce the Meitlmaer into the game.




Here are more thoughts if you're interested...



A Dwemer motorcycle may not be as far fetched as it might have seemed at first glance. Many component pieces already exist in the game. Struts, gears, cogs, wheels (metal), gyros, pipes, valves, gauges, lights, vent things, convectors, chests, etc, could all be part of the mod design and/or crafting process.


There are several options for design / style

- practical utility design

- decorative / artistic (creative use of items and styles found in dwemer ruins)

- war machine (use elements from dwarven armor and weaponry)

- animal motif (ie. dragon adornments)

- 2 wheels, one big wheel, 3 or 4 wheels. Or, treads

- big water/steam tank like old fashioned fire truck. Or small tank like motorcycle



Where to Get One:

Option 1) Hide the meitlmaer somewhere in one of the Dwemer ruins. No quest. Or, a simple quest that provides clues as to the location.


Option 2) Effort required. Dragonborn must find a Scroll (or book) that contains the ingredients and instructions (ie."the recipe") for crafting the device at a forge. Then must gather the ingredients.

For example; 4 Dwarven ingots (add 1 ebony for a blacker texture, or add other type of ingot for different retex option), 2 Large Struts, 6 Gears, 6 Cogs, 1 leather, 1 Lantern, 5 Levers, 4 Plate Metal, 1 Gyro, 1 Grand Soul gem, 4 Dwarven oil, < insert other hard to get items here>, etc etc.




Dragonborn would mount and ride the same as with a horse. With the introduction of Mounted Combat, the Meitlmaer could be a reliable mount for engaging enemies. It should probably travel at 2x the base horse speed. It probably is not enchantable.




It could require the user to fill the "tank" with water (??) and then drop in a Grand soul gem, then heat the tank using Arniel's spell and that produces the steam that powers the meitlmaer for XX hours/days.

Or, could just recharge it with soul gems like enchanted items. Or could just have it work with gyro and soul gem in place like the centurian and spider.



Dwemer Goggles (metal + lense + leather strips), sadle bags or trunk-chest for carrying inventory, stronger headlights for extended light affect, optional cool sound effects, etc



I tried to find images that might help to visualize the meitlmaer - found a few, but nothing really inspirational:


http://asingularity.net/archives/3943 (dragon motif)








http://www.dotheton.com/forum/index.php?topic=12636.140 (scroll down for a few pics)














http://www.planetdamage.com/2008/11/13/steampunk-motorcycles-made-from-watches/ http://walyou.com/motorcycle-sculpture/


http://www.eblogx.com/Videos/10443/Kurioses-Fortbewegungsmittel/ (large single wheel design. funky but has potential for weird-but-cool)


Goggles :)



Looking forward to hearing what people think,



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