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Ideas to make skyrim have more fluid and realistic combat


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I, for one, have always hated the way the Elder Scrolls games deal with combat. It is basically hack and slash until your enemy dies with no tactics involved.



The following ideas (a work in progress, I will keep updating it) are supposed to make the game have more tactic involved, such as prioritizing parrying/blocking an incoming blow to avoid death.

It should include dodging, blocking, parrying, attacking the enemy before being attacked.

Anything would be better than standing still and taking the blow because your armor is good enough, like Skyrim has as default.


These are the following modules:


A) This module consists on improving the quick paced combat feel the game should have. It's based on killmoves, but these moves aren't necessarily finishers. Picture this:

You attack an enemy that is not parrying/blocking and you give a direct hit. In vanilla Skyrim, the enemy would just groan and keep on swinging after a stagger.

But with my ideas and your future mod, the player character would execute a special move that either kills the target or cripples him. It would be directly based on current health, armor, and level.

So basically, you either get to killmove the enemy, or if the game predicts you won't do enough damage to kill then the player executes a special damaging move that cripples the enemy in some way.

All special moves have increased damage.


B) Add more normal combat animations and special moves. For instance, if you block like just a moment after the opponent strikes, you trap his sword with your shield and have chance do disarm him.

If you succeed, you get to disarm him. If you fail, he will kick you and you will fall. Kind of like this:

That was just an example; you can get creative!


C) This is the most important module. It will include game balancing mechanics that make the above modules possible.

This module involves increasing how much damage a block negates, so that when you don't block, you actually die because the global damage multiplier will have been increased.

I think deadly combat balances this out pretty well, like the weapon reach reduction, etc.

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It sound nice but I think it's too complicated. All I want is the enemy cant deflect your sword away when blocking, especially with weapons and you can finish your swing without any interuption and the enemy knock back (not knock down, just some kind of step backward) :D
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It sound nice but I think it's too complicated. All I want is the enemy cant deflect your sword away when blocking, especially with weapons and you can finish your swing without any interuption and the enemy knock back (not knock down, just some kind of step backward) :D


What do you mean the enemy can't deflect your sword away by blocking?

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Shields could down on the ground. More knockable ennemies!!!


petition for skycaptain back with a deadly reflex for skyrim with dismember mod!!!


Nice ideas! Keep on suggesting guys!

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It sound nice but I think it's too complicated. All I want is the enemy cant deflect your sword away when blocking, especially with weapons and you can finish your swing without any interuption and the enemy knock back (not knock down, just some kind of step backward) :D


What do you mean the enemy can't deflect your sword away by blocking?


I mean when the enemy block ur attack, your hand (holding your weapon ofc) get knock back. You cant do a full attack on a blocking enemy. What I want is the get the enemy to get knock back. :D

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