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Construction Set Spell Making (script?)


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I am trying to make spells using the TES Construction Set that will automatically be added to the player's spells when I start playing. Have been checking scripts, etc, and am just plain confused. I can make a spell and have it included if I start a new character (or use the showracemenu and exit), but no idea how to simply have it add on.


Hopefully it is something simple for a simple person like me. Help? Please and thank you.

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If you want to add the spell to the player when the mod loads, the most popular method is to create an "Initially Started" quest (with the usual GetIsPlayableRace == 1 condition), and give it a Quest script that reads something like...

scn MySpellQuestScript

Begin GameMode
 player.AddSpell MySpell
 StopQuest MySpellQuest


That would give the player the spell as soon as the quest ran, (Within five seconds of starting, usually) and then stop the quest.

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Thanks for the reply and info. Still confused but am brand new at this. Shall play around with that, and maybe learn something :)


Edit: no success yet. Off to do more research. Following links within TES Construction Set. Thanks for info thus far :)

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