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Back in the saddle, any ENB recommendations?


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Hi all

After many long years I'm playing New Vegas again. Now, I hated that the original game had this yellow/orange tint on everything in the game and it really marred my enjoyment. Is there an ENB preset or any other mod that alters the coloration, and renders more "natural" colors? I'm thinking something along the lines of Fallout 4 or The Witcher 3.


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ENB is not required. Take a look at the mods "Clarity - An Orange Tint Remover" and the older "Blue Tint".


If you insist on an ENB solution, suggest a search of the Nexus on that keyword. Just remember this game is now 8 years old, and don't expect comparable graphics to either of those games despite the latest and greatest hardware. Some design considerations cannot overcome by hardware.


As it's been "many long years", I recommend you read the entire "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to understand the differences between this game and others you may have experience with more recently. We have also learned more about how to mod this for a more stable game.


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And that's why I dropped most attempts to "prettify" games long ago. There is always something "off" and you end up spending most your time tweaking instead of playing. And then you experience an "unstable" game as the result.


But, hey. However you prefer to spend your time. For many of us, "modding" IS the game.



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