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Hello, as i ventured further and further into the Tes Construction Set I started needing more and more kinds of architecture pieces to put together what i had in mind... just to find myself staring at list of many hundreds of objects without ANYTHING really useful!

i mean, what's wrong with the CS? i even bumped on more than a few objects with missing textures in a patched 1.2 vanilla! that's starting from scratch!....



the most annoying things i have found is the lack of interior wall types... you have three... or four.... the rest are stacks which rarely accomodate to what i want. and stairs? good luck finding a decent ayleyd stair that doesnt go overboard or uggg!!! domes! what hapens with domes in this game?!! designers are decided to let you gawk at the domes they place, but do not let you place your own!


question: is there a trustable way to place two objects next to each other without having those ugly and often dangerous seams?

question: is there an automatic way to delete or fix duplicates on an esp? not mine, i do not do such mistakes (not on purpose at least) but for someone else's.

question: is there any pack out there to help us "master builders" create our cells? yes i am crafty with 3dsmax but sometimes it's annoying having 2 hours polishing a mesh to find out it was already done...

question: any sugestions? for proper cell creation,object placement, and such?

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To start off, i cant say i fully understand all that was said (sorry :-/) but i think i get the main ideas. Here is what i can help you with:


Answer to question 1:

Yes, but it requires another program. There are programs that will take two (or more) objects and blend them together and make one new one. I cant think of any names off the top of my head, but there are plenty, so im sure youll find one if you search for one.


Answer to question 2:

Well i cant say i fully understand the question, but if you mean two duplicates with the same name, i dont think that can happen, because the CS doesnt allow any editor name duplicates.


Answer to question 3:

Well not really. The ES CS doesnt run with other programs. You just have to create them manually. The best advice i can give you is to simply do some research before you start to avoid wastingyour time.


Answer to question 4:

too vague to answer, sorry :(

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