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Showracemenu command


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I know that there is another similar topic but it predates the most recent patch.


I wanted to change a character's hairstyle, as I only used the hairstyle that I did because I found some others were rendering rather oddly. That issue has been solved by the fact that I updated Apachii Sky Hair to the latest version and it works all tickety boo now. It's one of my real must have mods!


The character is question is Vixen The Temptress (I have upgraded to the latest of that mod as well.) Basically I wanted her to have the hair that the modder originally gave her in the screens on the mod upload page. (Another great mod by the way!)


So in time honoured fashion I hit the ` key and typed showracemenu in the console. At which point, the game hung, froze and I had to CTRL+ALT+DELETE to kill the game.

I do not have this problem with any other console commands. I did not have it before the latest patch.

I am running on a Phenom II X6 Hexacore with an ATI 6950 2048Mb card and 8Gb RAM so my hardware is more than capable and can eat Skyrim and anything else for breakfast. Indeed the game canters along and a storming pace. It's just this one console command!


Any suggestions would be appreciated, I do like to tweak my characters - for example, it's often necessary to tweak the face if you change the texture set that you are using (IMHO anyway), and my girls will frequently wear a different hairstyle for going adventuring to the one that they use when they are socialising. They are girls, after all!

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