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How to see all vanilla files?


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I've turned on "Show Hidden Files" but I still cannot find the vanilla sounds.

I want to add sounds for my custom NPC, but I don't know how to get them into the Creation Kit list of available sounds.


And I'd like to know how to find the original files in steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data, all the folders (Meshes, Textures, Interface) are either empty or contain more folders, this is so I could reskin a texture based off one already in the game.



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As far as the meshes and textures go, you have to download the bsa unpacker utility and then use it to unpack the vanilla skyrim files. I did this months ago, so I forget the exact steps involved, but just do a search on a search engine and do a search in the forums and you should find it no problem.
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