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ModOrganizer different Texture/Meshes Folders


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I am rn thinking about taking all my (50) mods which adds textures and meshes (each of them) and put them all in the same folder so I only have one folder with 2 sub folders Meshes and Textures, I am curious about if it would improve performance because the game would not load them from different locations like it would normally with Mod Organizer (like: ModOrganizer 2\mods\Folder1 ... Folder2 and so on) If you get what I am talking about and you have tried it before I would really like to know if you had any good or bad experience with it.


I tried to deliver this as understandable as possible that is why I wrote some common things for people to easier understand don't get confused.

Edited by AlucardHellsing243
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