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Setting skill level of a spell


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I'm trying to create a few basic flames, frostbite and sparks spells that will scale as the player advances through novice, apprentice, adept, expert and master levels of destruction.


The problem I'm having is to display the proper level of spell in the user interface. Currently all spells show up as "novice" even though the "casting perk" in the spell ck-dialog has been set to DestructionApprentice25, DestructionAdept50 and so on. Using the "casting perk" does reduce the spell cost by 50 percent when the perk for that spell is unlocked, but it does not change the level of the spell in the UI.


While typing this, it dawned on me that the displayed skill may be governed by the "minimum skill level" in the ck-dialog magic effect.

Turns out that's the case.

Updating creationkit.com wiki accordingly (http://www.creationkit.com/Magic_Effect#Base_Data).


This is rather inconvenient because I will now have to reproduce the same basic effect 13 more times only to change how the spell appears in the UI.

If anyone knows a better way to do this, please let me know.


A couple of screenshots to clarify what I'm talking about:

Creation Kit Dialogs

UI spell list

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