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Nothing getting applied in game


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Everything was going great and I was ready to start the game after importing mods from NMM. When I loaded up Skyrim special edition none of my new mods were there and none of my changes had been applied. Old mods and old load order from NMM was what the game was running. I looked in my data folder for Skyrim and saw that the old mods were all still there and the vortex ones where nowhere to be found.

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Well yes, they are all enabled but I was trying to transfers all my mods to vortex and no longer use NMM. The transfer process went smooth and all my mods from NMM were on vortex. From there I started adding and deleting mods from my game. When I actually launched the game, however, none of these changes were applied. All the mods i had deleted on vortex were still present and all the mods I had added on vortex were not in the game. After searching through the skyrim data folder I saw that the new mods were nowhere to be found. So vortex is not changing or applying anything to my game. Its just adding things and deleting things in some other folder. How do I get it to apply changes in my Skyrim data folder?

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After the import process is complete you still need to enable the mods in Vortex. Vortex does not import the "enabled state" so to speak.


If you don't have automatic deployment enabled you then (after enabling all the mods) need to deploy your mods. That is when the mod files get put in the data folder. That is when they will actually affect your game.

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