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Some mods not work.


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Howdy fellas, name's Rafael. Brazilian and i'm having some troubles with my Skyrim. I download two armors mod, go to Data Files and activated them (only those two. Planning to download more later). When i go to the forge, only the Scouter Corset appears and the other armor don't appear. I place them at Data folder (NMM sucks. I have .Net Framework 4 and this hell of manager insists of downloading the 3.5 ¬¬), activate at Data Files and don't appear at the forge.


PS: I used the Mod Manager Lite but, when i forge the armor and use, it desappears my char body and the hands, boots, head and weapons stay floating in the air. When i install manually the mod, happens the trouble that i reported before.


PS²: Problematic mod is Succubus Armor. I downloaded all the versions and the three versions show those problems.


Thx for all answers!

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