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I haven't played Skyrim since February, and when I wanted to play it now, I had to reinstall it, as I got a new comp in the meantime. So, I wanted to install new patches... but I can't find them on Steam. Does it mean they were included in the install, or where can I find them?
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Yup, they woulda been included in the install. Even if you set "do not automatically update" in properties, Steam will typically always keep your game updated via resetting that value to the default. (A source of much consternation to some, but we won't go there... :smile:)


You can verify in game by hitting esc - the version # will appear in the bottom left hand corner of the menu. Outta game, you can right click your TESV.exe and check the properties/details. Current is 1.6.89. (Virtually impossible not to have the latest version in a reinstall tho.)

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