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Hello there, I'm using the Legacy of The Dragonborn Mod and want to add the Fossil Mining Mod. In the description from the Fossil Mining Mod it says that there is a script which listens to the number of the pickaxe hits against an orevein. I also have the faster mining mod which reduces the default hits for ores from 9 to 3. Does the Fossil Mining Mod work with this or do I have to disable the Faster Mining? Sorry for my bad english, I'm german xd.

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I highly doubt the Fossil Mining Mod actually "listens" at all but rather is triggered from the pick useage.

From the description of the two mods you posted I would first test the Fossil Mining Mod by adding it to the bottom on my mod load order text filles. Create a save point without the mod installed first then if the mod fails remove it and return to that save point.


However, I suggest you use a program such as LOOT for load order adjustments.

( I have no clue if LOOT is still supported ... good base program either way )

Edited by NexusComa
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