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Simple Arena/Area to Fight Mod


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Hi i have been looking around for a nice arena mod to pit me and my companions against an army but i can't find one. So i want to put in a request. It doesn't need to be complicated. What i am looking for is just a level area with a wall surrounding it and a lockable door... maybe a map marker. But just a big empty space with a wall around it. I have tried doing wars in every big area i can think of in skyrim but the problem i have even with the most violent npcs is that when one side starts losing they scatter and its harder to kill them which i don't mind, but some always seem to get away and since m computer is not super awesome, i have to delete the bodies of the dead npcs, and the ones that get away make my computer lag and my saves larger. So i thought i would put in this simple request. I tried once before to make one but i fail at the creation kit. I tried making an arena and i also tried getting rid of helgen and just using the walls but unfortunately they were all failures. I am told what i want isn't that difficult but it is for me. So could someone please make a mod like this? Thank you for your time. -Micheal
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i happen to be making an arena, but it is fairly complex and might be smaller than you want if u were trying to use all of helgen...


however I intend to include a custom battle functionality that would basically give you what you want. I have some screenies in my thread:



If you're looking for a simplistic arena that's currently out you may want to try:



assuming you havent already.

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Thank you for replying quickly. I have tried the arena III mod and it is ok, but because of all the things included it makes the actual fighting center a little small. I also was experiencing many problems with the mod. I took a look at your screens and your mod seems very interesting! I'll download it when you finish just for more gameplay, but for what i want right now it is a little small and complex for my taste. Really what I want is a large circle or large square of walls with a door. I'm trying to find one that is an exterior cell. Kind of like arena III which is in the world but and not like the whiterun arena which is in an interior cell with a loading door.
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