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Play It Another Way


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So after who knows how many playthroughs I started using the Live Another Life alternate start mod. Awesome idea by the way, all due props to its creator. One thing that came of it was my getting to Whiterun before I'd ever been to Riverwood. For the first time I got the quest to get the Dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow from Farengar before I'd ever actually gotten it. Before I always pick up it as my 'getting warmed up and geared' adventuring before I get to Whiterun.


Amazingly, when I came back to Whiterun to deliver it, who do I find there? Delphine. She's there, with Farengar, discussing dragons and all manner of cool plot stuff. A surprising amount of content that I'd never seen in like the previous 20 characters. It was a complete shock.


Anyone else find any interesting niches of stuff on a completely different playthrough? Unexpected plot twists and characters?


I have been playing Skyrim for 1400+ Hrs. I just found 2 dungeons I had never seen. This game is BIG !!! I also use Live Another Life alternate start mod and I agree its great. It gives me lots of options at the start. One thing I found when starting in the TG, I could not get out of the ratway without dying--Playing on master.

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