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Tonal locks and kinetic resonators


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Well im working on my master piece a mod that will function as a home for every type of build you can imagine, it will keep you in all materials you need but you will have to work for it. it will include everything that a skyrim home owner could ever want. to keep it lore friendly some of the dwarven goodies will be hide in a secret dwarven ruin hidden under the island home. Now as you go deeper into the ruins the better the goodies get as youd expect, but id like to lock the last secret away, as it will be hidden within a dwarven ruin, id like to use some sort of dwarven lock. I did experiement with the door you find in alfatand with the two explorers fighting. I weren't 100% happy with that though, so ive been looking into the kinetic resonators and tonal lock system. I have tried working it out within the ck, I have searched the web for a tutorial on how to use them. All to no avail. if you are able to point me in the right direction to find a tutorial or are able to offer some advice on how to get them working it would be much appreciated.


Thank you all in advance

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I have know figured this out and will leave a quick tutorial for anyone else struggling with this.


You need to place your kinetic resonators in place along with the static pipe for them.

link the resonator (activator) to an xmarker. Bethesda seem to use a different xmarker for each one.


Then search for DLC01dundbchimemaster

Duplicate this and rename the duplicate. This will make sure there is mistakes made with any quests.

place the trigger

link the trigger to each kinetic resonator with the key word- Linkcustom01-09 making sure to leave one free

Link the trigger to the door using the free linkcustom keyword


All that's left now is to go into the scripts of the trigger

load up the properties

now just go through either clearing the reference of the property leaving it as it is in some cases,


If you wish to add ambushes place them in place and use the last 6 properties of the script to link them together too.]


I hope this has helped anyone struggling. I know its not in depth but hopefully it is enough for you to follow or giving you enough idea to work the rest out for yourself.

I am writing this after a crash filled day on the ck, so my appologies for the lack of detail but ive had crash after crash and just want to go to bed now hahahaha

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