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Turn your back on the dark brotherhood


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It would go something like this:


1. After moving to the Dawnstar sanctuary and killing the emporer, i.e. at the point your char is doing contracts through the Night Mother, a time limit kicks in for completing the active contract.


2. When it's been too long after receiving the contract, a band of concerned DB Assassin "reminders" are sent to intercept your char.


3. The DB "reminders" (or whatever) have a dialogue option where your char can say either (i) he/she's had enough killing on command at which point the assassins turn hostile. After you kill them, the Dawnstar sanctuary becomes locked and the active quest (contract) is failed ('cuz you're banished from the DB) and your journal is cleared of any other DB stuff (e.g. get Delvin to finish outfitting the sanctuary). Your char encounters random DB assassins afterwards (just like at before you meet Astrid), carrying a note decrying your traitorous behaviour; or (ii) your char comes up with some excuse why the contract hasn't been completed, after which point the DB reminders go away. However, after a (perhaps shorter) time, they return and have the same dialogue they did before. After 2 or 3 of these encounters, the assassins just turn hostile since they figure out your char's turned his/her back on the DB. Killing them locks the DS sanctuary and fails the quest and clears your journal. Again, random DB assassins attack your char after this point.


Going through with the active contract would get the DB reminders off your char's back ('til next contract when the time thing kicks in again), but that would kinda defeat the purpose of DL'g the mod. Though I guess it's for people who change their mind, so maybe that's a possibility :tongue:


Hell, maybe instead of DB assassins coming after your char, maybe eventually Sithis himself tries to get vengeance. (I.E. some daedric boss comes calling.)

Edited by kevkiev
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