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Nifskope Troubles


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Not the best place for this since I'm only doing it for myself and not for a mod, but it works...


I'm working on trying to do something sort of crazy for my next game. Wanted to bring some older style to Cyrodiil so I'm trying to bring a few of my old favorite mod items from Morrowind into Oblivion as static items. Have managed to get paintings to work properly in the CS but attempts to do the same with an armor and a shield went weird.


Was given advice on how to update the Nifs so they would work in the CS (and not say it was too old) by loading the mesh in Nifskope, putting the textures onto it, exporting it as an Obj, exiting and reopening Nifskope, importing the item and then saving it as a Nif.


That worked for the paintings but with the other items I tested it with parts disappeared upon import, with the shield only the straps were left and on the cuirass all but one piece vanished and I got a little pop-up box that said some blocks had invalid references or something like that...


Hoping some of the experienced mesh people can help figure out where I am going wrong here...

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