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Vortex on KCD


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So i just started KCD, saw nexus mods had mods. i downloaded some, but it looks like none of my mods are working at all.... or vortex isnt putting the files in correct locations? not sure here.




list of mods.


i confirmed the gather radius is working, perkaholic is working more loading screens is working


and thats about it it seems


when i load into game console says this :



Edited by osnugglebunnyo
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Just to ask a question: Vortex asks to you, after deploy, to confirm external changes and you press save changes? I ask this because I'm experiencing a similar situation, but I'm figuring out to solve it case for case.

It seems that when Vortex asks to confirm external changes it's going to delete all the previous mod files you installed and if you select "revert changes" it doesn't touch anything and some mods will work.

I said SOME mods because I noticed that:

- The mods made to work in the mods directory will work

- The mods made to work in other directory won't work until you manually deploy them following the instructions from nexusmod post


Said this I'll open a post apart asking if this is a feature and/or if this is related, could be, to the deployed mode (I'm using the default mode that is simlink mode).

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