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Freezing randomly when casting.


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EDIT: It turns out it was midas magic, that was causing the freezing. I kept the others on and turned it off and jumped into the middle of warzones with TGM and every spell I could grab from the testing chamber and wreaked havok with as many spells as possible for a good 30min. turned midas back on and first spell I cast froze the game.


My game keep freezing randomly as soon as I or an NPC Mage I am fighting casts something. now it is random I can go 5 minutes without my casting causing me to freeze but then all of a sudden, it freezes. I know it is casting because I can replicate it.


Now the mods I am using in relation to magic are

Apocalypse spell pack

Phenderix magic evolved




running the game without those mods I can cast freely. in my testing I narrowed it down to the possibility it is ASIS or midas but I can't be too sure due to the random nature of the freezing but I went a good 15-20 minutes in a magic battle I set up as a test without freezing.. Also ASIS doesn't really change magic in any drastic way. Midas only adds spells. and since I am using a level 1 test character the freeze happens with Vanilla spells.


the only other game changing mods I have are deadly combat and Skyrim redone. so it shouldn't have anything to do with them.


I will run a few more tests with different combinations of the suspect mods. but I am hoping someone may actually know what is causing this or at least know a possible fix.

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  • 2 months later...
the problem isn't any magic mod, it's skyrim redone! i already deavtivated every other mod, reinstalled the game, installed performence mods and put the settings to the lowest, but the only way to stop the freezing is skyrim redone. i even stopped playing skyrim completely even though i recently got dawnguard, just because i dont want to play without skyrim redone, hope someone finds a fix for this! D:
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