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Request-mod for double shield handle!


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hi guys

this is the first time I post here, sorry for bad english but there is something I really wanna say .


It's about the shield in Skyrim, I'm sure I'm not the only one who find out that all shields in Skyrim have only ONE handle, It's located in the middle of the shield, thta's not how it should be.

as far as I know a shield always has TWO handles,they're on the left and right side of the shield (not middle) which allows user put his/her forearm in, these two handle provide max stability so your enemy won't easily knock your shield off . this pic shows what I try to explain---shield pic


the shield with one handle in the middle really looks weird, everytime I block an attack I can't help thinking I will probably break my wrist...and it also looks weird when you run with shield


I like Elder Scrolls very much but sadly I don't know how to make a mod, so guys if you can do something about this I'm counting on you 8)

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I dont think it should be change. Shields in Skyrim are viking-styled shield. They have only 1 handle because they'r not all used for blocking. It has only 1 handle so the user can easily attack the opponent with the edge of the shield while attacking with the sword in the other hand at the same time. If you dont believe me, watch this video here.


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