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[LE] Question about Horses and Stables


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I have been working on expanding the variety of horses, mainly by using various other horse mods I can find, but I don't want to have to run dozens of different places to find the horses.


Ideally, what I would love to do is make it so that I could have the vanilla stables spawn the custom horses randomly and remove the 'cooldown' before I could buy a new horse. I don't want to have to wait until my old horse dies or several days before I can buy another horse from the same stable (it has been a while since I last played skyrim, so I can't remember).


Is this possible? I would set up my own stable, but that seems relatively complicated, and it seems like it requires me adding each horse to the stable first, which would mean a LOT of horses milling about, even if I broke it up into smaller chunks.


If it is possible, could someone walk me through it?


thanks in advance.


If it is not possible, what would be the best way to get all my textures into the game, without making the horses freely wandering (though that might just happen) and free to just hop on and go?

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im not sure if this is any help as I haven't touched the stables within the ck, but it does seem this something that may be handled by a quest. a quest within the ck don't just cover quests as they do in game they also cover things like dialogue and many other aspects of the game. it does seem like this may be something that is handled by a quest

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You will need this tutorial. In ck look for the horse templates and the quest "stables". Together with the tutorial you may be able to get this done.

I have that tutorial, but from what I saw, it was basically creating a *new* stable for one horse, which I would prefer not to do. I want to modify the old stables to be able to spawn a random horse color as well as make it so I can immediately purchase a new horse without having to wait for the old one to die or a period of time.


I also looked at Swift Stables, but they seem to have placed the horses all around the stables, and just spawn them that way.


I will look at that quest, though.


What I am trying to do is go for a minimal impact, but large reward type thing: If I can do this without having to have the horses already spawned, and without needing a completely new stable and stable master, I would prefer that.


So, randomly spawning the horse (could I use a leveled creature list, if they even have them, for this?), is best, but then I still have the issue of the time period between being able to buy a new horse.


*heads off to look at stables quest and see what it says*

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If you want to have additional horses at the stables you need to edit the LCharHorse and LHorse list and you need to edit the scripts attached to the stables quest, add your horses as aliases to the stables quest and point to them through a property in the alias script. I have no idea how you need to modify the quest script and where's the spawning time noted.

Every mod that alters the leveled lists and the stables quest will not be compatible with yours.

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If you want to have additional horses at the stables you need to edit the LCharHorse and LHorse list and you need to edit the scripts attached to the stables quest, add your horses as aliases to the stables quest and point to them through a property in the alias script. I have no idea how you need to modify the quest script and where's the spawning time noted.

Every mod that alters the leveled lists and the stables quest will not be compatible with yours.

Thank you, I am not so worried about compatibility since this is going to be a personal mod and not one I publish online, so I can always edit the other mods or decide which one I want best (or try to make my own patch for them).


If I can't figure out where the spawn time is noted, I may just do dump the horses in various spots, as that is really the important bit, I am going to use AFT and I want my followers to have their own pretty horses.


I did find an 'is dead' in the dialogue for the horse selling, but unless I was just spacing out, all of them, including where you could actualy buy a horse, had 0 as the check.


Now that I know what to play around with, I will see what I can do.


If I can get them to spawn random horses, I may just place multiple references so that the seller has multiple horses, but it is random which horses the seller has.

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