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Playing without the main quest


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Hello. I have lost all three of my old saves and plan to make 2 saves for the upcomming dlc. One of them is almost ready (rogue-warrior, undeadhunter. Only do the main quest and sidequests like bounties, meridias beacon etc. No guilds, wanted to join silver hand, but its impossible :(). I am going to start a mage character who will later become a vampire. Since I just finished the main quest, it dont want to do it again, plus it doesnt fit my character. But is it still possible to do all other things? I plan to collect all the DP masks and daedric artifacts. But is the mask that drops during the main quest and the deadric book that grants you skillpoints available if you dont do the main quest?
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I'm pretty sure you can't get all Dragon Priest masks without doing the main quest (or cheating) since Nahkriin is found in Skuldafn, which can't be accessed normally.


The Oghma Infinium quest, on the other hand, is as far as I understand not part of the Main Quest - Septimus Signus will send you to find the Elder Scroll regardless. In fact, I found him before doing the Alduin's Bane quest, though I didn't bother to find the Elder Scroll until way later.

Edited by Relativelybest
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