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Repetierpistole M1912 request


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I'm a bit of an all around gamer, and I played BF1 a lot when it was released.
As soon as I got it, I fell in love with the Repetierpistole M1912.
It has such a unique look and way to reload, it's just awesome!

Anyway, I'd love for someone to make this considering I have 0 skill in any 3D modelling program, I don't even think I've got any installed...
If anyone who sees this would be interested (just search some BF1 gameplay with the pistol to see how it functions), I'd be might appreciative if you could make it!

/Thanks in advance

EDIT: I just learned a guy is actually working on one! He's taking his sweet time, though, but holy cow I'm happy! I'll see if he wants donations!

Edited by Maicol0815
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