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Why is my SIMPLE QUEST not displaying? What am I missing?


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I'm pretty sure it's "GetRef" rather than "GetReference" but I could be wrong!

Thanks for the help NikaCola but the error is on the first bit. it's basically saying the Alias_<AliasName> property doesn't exist; it hasn't been created like it should have been according to the help docs. It's not just this quest either; it happens all the time.


I get the error on just Alias_<AliasName> too. I have a feeling it's a naming issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zoinks Scoob! I worked it out!


The properties aren't created automatically; you have to click the properties drop-down and you get a list of...


Create Alias_<Alias1Name> property?

Create Alias_<Alias2Name> property?


I really wish they would have told me that on CreationKit.com. Now I have to work out how to remove the un-needed properties I created for the stage script fragment. Any ideas?

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Now I have to work out how to remove the un-needed properties I created for the stage script fragment. Any ideas?


Hey there n000dlz, you can delete those properties by :


1) Do "clear value" on the properties you are about to delete


2) Click on the "Advanced" tab next to "Papyrus Fragment" tab in "Quest Stages" page


3) Press the "Edit Script" - this will bring up the entire collection of Fragments for that quest as a script, editable in another app like Notepad++


4) Now go to Notepad++ and go to the bottom of the script - there you'd see all the properties listed.


5) Delete the property, save


6) Go back to CK, go to the Papyrus Fragment and hit compile



...This is how I've been doing it. I don't know it's the fastest way, though.


Good luck with your project!


(Edited to remove unnecessary steps - sorry about that)

Edited by DiodeLadder
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Thanks DiodeLadder, worked great! :happy:

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