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Switching Games


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I cannot seem to find this elsewhere, apologies if I am posting something that has been requested before.


I have installed Vortex, and it seems to work for Bethesda games, Fallout 4, Morrowind, and Oblivion, being the three I have installed and on it at the moment. However, it does not seem to support anything else, the other games that it recognizes and I have it 'managing' theoretically (X-Com 2, Witcher 3, Dragon's Dogma, Subnautica) it refuses to switch to. It switches to the screen, 'Starting Deployment', asks for permission to make changes, which I agree to, the bar progresses ~25% and then stops, it just stays there, frozen. I can leave it for hours and nothing changes, I am able to close the program and start it back up, it still switches between Bethesda games, but any time I try on of those games. Nothing.


I am honestly losing my patience with this, so if I need to use something else to do mods for those games, I would like to know. But so far, in regards to non-Beth games, it seems that Vortex is a broken vehicle.


If there is any advice, thanks.

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