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Flat Perk Constellations

Guest deleted2588518

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Guest deleted2588518

Looking for a mod that will flatten the perk constellations and prevent the camera from zooming in on one specific perk in the constellation tree.


When you click on a constellation, it brings up that constellation's tree, but instead of zooming to what ever perk, you get an overview of the whole constellation and can mouse over each perk and get a description without having to do the 'perk tree shuffle'.


Personally, I would love to get rid of the constellations all together and go back to a system more like Oblivion, or maybe even Daggerfall *gasp!* But honestly the constellation idea is unique to the Skyrim feel and shouldn't be completely removed. I think it would be awesome if those constellations were flat and I could simply click on a perk while having a nice overview of the whole constellation without the need for the unneeded camera zoom and dance.

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