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That Pip-Boy background lighting issue... Any fixes yet?


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As you all probably know, there's this bug, or glitch (whatever), that makes your Pip-Boy background image get brighter or darker depending on the lighting behind you. So if it's a bright day and you look straight in front (and especially downwards) the background is so bright you can barely see what's on the Pip-Boy, and if you look up, creating a shadow on the Pip-Boy, the background image gets darker. Usually people think this is a issue about indoors vs outdoors. But, no, it's literally just a lighting bug.

Is there ANY fix for this yet?! I can't seem to find one, but maybe there's one hidden somewhere and for some reason my google search strings just don't show it...
You'd think after 3 years someone would be able to fix it, unless most people aren't using Pip-Boy backgrounds anyway.

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  • 2 years later...

Here's what you need: paint.net, a file for editing the texture files, found here: http://www.getpaint.net/download.html Something to put as the background (solid colors, png's, JPEG's do not work well!)After you install paint.net, locate your Fallout 4 data folder, typically in C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data Locate the "textures" folder. if it is not present, make a new one. This rule applies with all other files I will be referencing. Find "animobjects", "pipboy", and a .dds file titled "pipboyscreen_d.dds", again, however if there is not one present, do not worry, I'll get you there. If there is the specified file, open it with paint.net, If there is not, open the paint.net program, and make a new file with the dimensions of 1024px1024p. Remember to save this file as a .dds file named "pipboyscreen_d.dds" and to put it in the folders you either found or made previously. Now you can use paint.net to edit or create this .dds file as you see fit. When you are done, disable any pip-boy background mods if you have them this may remove your background file, so make a copy of it! Load your game and see if it appears. If it doesn't, try moving it around to the desktop and back to the address. Then double check you made the folder path correctly.

Original Post on Reddit ::: https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/4b9cr0/fo4_making_custom_pipboy_backgrounds/

I just took the green image in the mod and used in the program. make the picture of Vault Meat 1024 x 1024 and then you need to adjust the brightness using the the tools provided and make it between -10 and -20 your choice. BE SURE to save the file as a .dds and not a .png or it will not work. Enjoy

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