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Skrim Mods not working on New PC

Joe Vig

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I just got a new PC with a better graphics card and fasster speed. I downloaded NMM and ran it. It shows my Skyrim plugins but there is nothing under the Mods tab. And obviously, when I go to play Skyrim, none of the mods are there. This is anewer version than what was on my previous PC. Any ideas of what the problem -- and solution -- may be. Thanks.
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I'm assuming your new PC us running Win 7 32 or 64 bit correct? and when you open Skyrims launcher the data files tab is grayed out?


If both of these are correct you face the same problem I had with my new PC but thankfully it's any easy fix win 7 creates a Skyrim folder in your My Documents/MyGames folder


Fix go to where your Default Skyrim folder is and find the SkyrimPerfs file example C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Skyrim once you find the SkyrimPerfs file open it using notepad. once that file is open go all the way to the bottom and copy the line bEnableFileSelection=1 under [launcher] once you got that copied go to your documents file find the My games folder and the Skyrim folder inside that, You will see another SkyrimPerfs file there open that file and add the line copied from the other Perfs file into the [launcher] section if this file.


Your Data files option should now be white and your Skyrim mods should work now.

Edited by Kanarus
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Unfortunately I can not find this file -- C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Skyrim. I winder if that is becasue I downloaded Skyrim using Staem? I did find the other file. But I hesitate to change just the one file. Any thoughts? Thanks.
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Your actual file path should be C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim.


Don't change the Skyrim or SkyrimPrefs ini in this folder though. You only need to change the one in Documents/My Games/Skyrim folder. :thumbsup:

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Eh.........OK not going to say what I'm thinking here.


That was only an example I figured you would know where you installed it seeing as it comes up with the install path when you install the game I didn't expect you to actually look for what I posted :pinch:

Edited by Kanarus
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