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Making a Custom Armor using Models from game.


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I'm completely new to modding and a beginner to the world of modeling and such but a will to learn. I have this idea of using two or three armor models from the skyrim to make a custom heavy armor set.


I've been trying to look up a tutorial that actually uses models from the game instead of going the completely from scratch way. How can I do this using Blender? I want to use various bits and pieces of Nightingale,

Orcish, and Daedric. Then I want to use what I like from the models to make a revamped Nightingale armor for the Heavy side of things.


Can anyone who's been around the block point me in the right direction? REALLY appreciate it.



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I wish I had the knowledge and experience to make my own meshes because I would love to replace the glass armor. I thought about altering the textures like a lot of other people on here have done but in the end I decided to wait and see if I can learn how to model and try to do it the better way. I know it takes a long time to learn and you just want to play the game more than anything but there is some fun in modding from scratch. The hardest thing has to be all the details like weight calculations and texturing. Maybe someone that is really good and modelling can help you out with a design?


I played through the whole game and tried all different kinds of armor combinations, some of the best looking stuff mashed together are ebony and dragonbone/dragonscale and maybe daedric. Get some silver ebony armor mods and it looks even better with dragonbone/dragonscale. I tried glass and elven but the color difference is a put off in some configurations. There are some steel elven and glass mods though so maybe mixing those together would look better?

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