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better robes, clothing and armour for mages


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its almost impossible for me to shy away from the magic in the elder scrolls game but i just find the lack off attire for magi disheartening and looking on here for mods to help that hasn't really given good results, a lot of the attire i have seen have just made me think "there's no way in hell a mage would wear something so 'Non-mage' like" i find stuff that just looks like a skimpy everyday wear or a horrible mash up of other armours. Don't get me wrong i commend the hard work but magi wear robes (mostly) thats what the nexus needs, more robes and less mash ups then calling them battle mage armour.


personally i like the various robes and such in the Dragon Age series.


basically i'm asking mage-loving modders to imagine and create some of the most baddass sets of robes conceivable ... or just copy some over from Dragon Age

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yeah i was considering that mod, but my current playthrough im female elf (felt it went better with a mage/assassin playthrough) and the skimpy stuff really makes me lose faith in the modding community ... theres just too much of them
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