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Name: Aya

Age: 12

Race: Nord Hybrid


Aya lost her parents in a bandit raid when she was 1 year old.

A small boat arrived to Winterhold.

On that boat was Aya and an old man.

The old man walked towards the college covering Aya head.

When he was standing infront of the college, he handed Aya over to Mirabelle Ervine.

Mirabelle Ervine questioned the old man, he turned away and told her to keep care of the little girl.

Mirabelle told the man that the college is not a daycare, but right before she finished her sentence, the old man disappeared.

She looked around and went inside with Aya.

She took away the blanket covering her head and discovered 2 fox-like ears.

After that day they took care of Aya yet do not know anything about the old man.

Some say he rescued Aya from the bandit raid while the other say that he was the leader of the bandits.

As little as they know about the old man, Aya hopes to see him back one day.



Awesome story!

You should really create a mod on this premise!


What mod's did you use to create her? Could I get a list, and maybe the save file? That would be amazing! She's freakin' adorable!

Edited by KryptoniteRM
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is probably my favorite character, but that could change at any time. I'm sure you all know how that goes.


He's a Khajiit paladin, and I did my best to make him as a "Cathay-Raht," the large warrior breed of Khajiit. His name is Mordo Bardin (roll the Rs; I picture him as a suave and sophisticated knight with a vaguely exotic accent and the advantage of large whiskers), and he was born as one of a set of twins. His sister's name was Marda. Rather than just going with the regular Skyrim intro, I came up with some back story:


One day the young twins were fishing in Lake Rumare when they spotted something glinting at the bottom. This was a shallow area with a slow current, and the lake bed was only a few meters down. Mordo dove into the clear waters and surfaced with a strange golden scroll. Upon opening it, his eyes were burned and his mind filled with terrible visions of the future, a doom that could only be averted if he claimed the Storm Crown of Talos (I always liked the term and decided that there should be an actual Storm Crown.). The scroll dissolved, and the now blind Mordo had to be guided by his sister.


A few months later, after discovering the location of the crown, the twins infiltrated the White Gold Tower, narrowly escaping with the Storm Crown but becoming fugitives in the process. The Imperials finally caught up with them near Helgen however, and they executed Marda just before Alduin attacked.



Here he is as an adult, after stopping the dragons and saving the world.


I died the same moment that she did. Those monsters killed us both with a single swing of the axe. However, my body carried on, and somehow in that moment my sight returned, though my eyes were still blind. It was a different sort of sight, a sight that depended as much on hearing and smell as images. As children, I could always sense some of what she was thinking, though she could sense much more of my thoughts. We were often able to convey entire sentences with gestures or glances. A twitch of the ear told as much as an entire conversation. Because of this, when her life was ended, I felt the last of her spirit enter mine, and what was left of her returned my sight to me and gave me purpose. They would all die in exchange for her life.


We never knew our birth day, though I would guess that at that time I was barely 15. Still, we Cathay-Raht are much larger than our brethren, and as adults tower over even the largest man. At 15 I was as large as any man there, though some of the elves were still larger. That did not matter however, as the rage and grief I knew then gave me the strength of a giant, and the arrival of the dragon focused everyone's attention. I snapped my bonds and leapt across the courtyard, snatching the Crown from the hands of that cursed one, Tullius. Carrying my momentum, I scooped up the body of my beloved sister, and with her over my shoulder and cradling her poor head in my arms, I fled through the west gate.


In the days following her burial, I strove to form a plan. How could I ever overcome an entire army? My vengeance I swore, but grief blinded me. Instead of a plan I crafted a weapon, a sharp axe whose name was only natural. Marda would slay her foes even in death. I vividly remember every imperial whose life she ended, the looks on their faces, the screams and the flow of blood. Those were dark days for me, and though I helped end the civil war in Skyrim, I was never doing it for the cause. I did it only to get my revenge. The night we stormed Castle Dour is a surge of crimson in my mind; the crimson of the Legion, the crimson marring the flagstones in the streets, the crimson of Tullius' face as I choked the breath from his lungs, the crimson that covered me as I sunk her blade into his chest again and again.


They tell me that I collapsed after that, though it took three men to extract her from his shattered corpse, so deeply had she sunk her fangs. As I washed the blood from my fur in the bleak dawn light, I knew that my vengeance was hollow. She would never be returned to me. I could only carry her memory, and the shame of the countless dead who paved the road behind me, their deaths unrelated to hers. That was the day I knew I was no longer a child, though scarce a year had passed.


Many adventures I did then have, trying to forget the terror of my past. I heralded each new dawn as my last, though each dusk proved otherwise; my foes never enough to end my misery. The Storm Crown sat heavy on my brow while the growing darkness on the horizon gradually attracted my attention. I finally realized that while I wished to end my suffering, the suffering of others would not expedite my goal. I sought to end the threat of the dragons, to end the visions that cursed scroll had imparted to me that long ago day.


The path was steep, but the smoke, smell of sulphur and a rumble as of distant thunder guided my steps. Throwing myself across a ravine, I caught a ledge and pulled myself up. Only 50 meters of sheer cliff between me and the top. As I scaled that wall, the rumble grew louder, the stench nearly unbearable. The very stones seemed warmed, and my adrenaline pushed me the final distance in half the time as before. My fingers caught the edge, and I pulled myself up.


A burning orange eye the size of my entire face snapped open. A deep voice growled a single word: Fool. The dragon whipped its neck with blinding speed, slamming me against the cave wall and nearly pitching me back into the ravine. I shook the stars out of my eyes and charged, Marda's wicked edge high above my head. The fight was over far more quickly than I expected, because within the cave the dragon had become arrogant, thinking himself above the reach of any foes. The cave was too small for him to get his deadly maw in line with me, and Marda sank deeply into his neck again and again. The final bellows died away as the corpse began to smoke and burn. Thinking myself doomed to die from the release of the fires in his belly, I crouched down with my arms over my head behind a boulder, and yet all I felt was a strange warmth flowing into me. The long days of the dragon's life all flashed before my eyes, and without knowing why, I roared forth a strange word in a voice that was my own and yet so much more. FUS!


I found my way up the 7,000 steps, the bitter cold and the bloodthirsty trolls only barring my progress momentarily. Such would not stop me, not after what I had seen and done. The tired old men in that temple gave me some good advice, though their ways would never suit me. I used what I could and trimmed away the excess, learning all I could of my new voice. I had my weapon.


The knowledge that I could kill them, that I could truly stop the dragons, changed me yet again. I would fulfill the prophecy; I would ensure that Marda's death was not in vain. I knew then that vengeance was wrong, death was wrong, that only action would bring purpose. That only fulfilled purpose would bring meaning to my life. The fight itself means far less to me than the result; the assurance that the afterlife would remain unsullied, that the world would continue. And so suffice it to say that the fight was a success. But what of me? Barely 20, and now my purpose was again unknown.


I heard the bellows of the giant, a sickening thud, a momentary scream and then was knocked backwards by something heavy, wet, and warm that had flown through the trees with great force. Fearing an attack from yet another troll, I was horrified to find I was fighting off the corpse of an Orc tribesmen, his chest brutally caved in. The giant had flung him right into me. Anger quickly filled me, and I charged into a clearing where a giant assaulted an Orc camp. I threw myself into the fray and sunk Marda deeply into the giant's hamstring. A giant on one knee presents its neck as a perfect target, and she kissed him there with enough force that I had a difficult time extricating her.


The Orcs explained that their shrine to Malacath had been overrun by giants, and their leader enlisted me to help fight them. I followed, though found myself doing all the fighting. Finally, with the last giant's life blood leaking into the snow, I raised my shield barely in time to deflect a heavy blow from the Orc leader. Confused, I tried to reason with him, but heard a massive voice echo in my mind: Kill Him.


Later that day, I knocked down a large tree with a single blow from the enormous hammer that Malacath had given me as a reward. I had a purpose once again. I would take the tools of these evil gods and use them to rid the world of as much evil as I could.


As I lay here telling this story, those tools languish at the bottom of the Sea of Ghosts. I know that this is only temporary, but I can only hope they will not unleash evil on the world again anytime soon. I have done what I could, and though my deeds were many and did great good in the world, I look not to the past with my final hours as you have asked me, I look only to the world beyond, where we will fish on the banks of the lake as children again without interference from the gods or these so called Elders. I will be reunited with her at last.


Bury me with her close to my heart.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Lyla,a bandit/pickpocket turned dovahkiin without a bloody clue.She is best known for her exclamation,I'm What?






man i am telling you this as friendlier as i can ...she is a creepy fella

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  • 7 months later...

Name: Sayako Fumiko (uchiha)

Race: known as breton actually uchiha race

Skills: dual swords ilusion archery


Back story: Sayako was born into main family of uchiha but didnt devlope a sharinge and the uchiha head couldnt detect a source of chakra from her. The uchiha decided to keep her indoors as to not shame the uchiha name as she was not a asset to them, when she was walking around the massion she stumbled upon a katana at a young age relising she had skill with the sword keen to get rid of her the uchiha clan traded her of to the iron clan of samuri at age 7.


3 years of training she was a fierce samuri but she always felt like her right hand was empty and left out. 5 years later sayakos farther turned up at her dorm claiming they could sence a strong chakra, everyone confused by this looked at sayako who was the only one possible to have chakra as the iron clan does not have chakra. Sayako father relised they made a mistake judging her chakra and used his sharingan to make a ilusion whille draggin her away. Once again sayako was locked in mansion just for the fact that she has strong chakra and it would lead to embarrasment to the uchiha leaders if word got out of there failure to test chakra, been more rebeliouse she sneaked around mansion watching others train there sharingan still not able to use her chakra as no training was given.


At age 17 sayako was sat watching her brothers and sisters preform a teleportation jitsu when one of her brothers started teasing her for not been able to use jitsu and sayako getting angry jumped up and started arguing back, over these years sayakos chakra has been growing in a grave number but she was not been effected for some reason by the grave chakra as sayako was about to put her hands together to perform the jitsu she new nothing about which she was meant to place a symble where she wants to teleport to meaning it would be a blind teleportation as she started making first symble she opened her eyes to grab one more look at the jitsu symbles they noticed a sharingan had formed but it took in the jitsu making sayako perform it perfectly.......


A huge burst of chakra started to blast from sayako as she screemed in pain as the chakra had no where to lock on to as no symble was placed, some how her chakra been so strong grabed a hold of the elder scrolls time jump that alduin was i n like it was calling her but the shock from the teleportation nocked her unconciouse.





She awako in a forest when she suddenly heard few running foot steps, looking around she saw 5 people running from a groupe of people on horses they suddenly caught the running men at that time sayako crawled towards them exhausted asking for help the men on horses srarted laughing when one of them caught men started telling them who where named imperails but they startex claiming she was with them and they gave a sudden blow the her back of the head nocking her out.


She awoken once more in a carraige tied up........ confused scared alone in a strange land.


Her journey has just begun........







That is all for now iv just started but thats nackground story i have right now to fit the uchiha into the timeline any advice or comments would help :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So after my Hard drive died iv started anew game






Name: Himiko Fumiko





Himiko used to be a lab rat from when she can remember she isn't sure if she was made in lab or if her parents abandoned her but she remembers that the experiment was to make a warrior of some sort able to use the power of vision as magic instead of using hands to free them up, but she inst sure if she was tossed out of lab for not showing signs of improvements or if they just got bored of her all she knows is that she was found by her "father" who took her in and looked after her although her eyes had changed due to experiments making them look like there staring directly at your soul scaring a lot of people off but her father didn't care and loved her like a daughter.


One night a bunch of bandits raided there house killing her father, witnessing the death of the one person she cared for and cared for her brought about the awakening of her eyes been able to slow time down letting her kill at least one bandit. She is now set on a path of revenge to find the bandits and realizing that the stormcloaks cant offer protection to there realm she is on her way to join the imperials to rid the realm of the incapable. She still feels the need to help the week and vulnerable so no one faces the same fate as her.

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