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FPS drop progressively during game


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Hi all,


I've past so many time to install every mods I wanted but now that all is good I'm experiencing FPS drop during gametime.


usually I start with around 50 fps but in usually around 5 or 10 minutes in game the fps drops to 10 or 15. Other infos:

- If at 10 fps I open the inventory, magic or skills menu the FPS grows back to 59,8. Once I return in game, FPS drops again to previous value.

- FPS is the same in exterior AND interior, both. For example, I use Heaven Bag as player home and even there the FPS is around 18.

- I've tried to start Skyrim without SKSE and without any mods, but the problem is present in every this cases too.


What can it be and how to solve?


thank you

Edited by Vorongren
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